
The tunnel, the platform, the ladder…

Location — UM-Festival 2016 - Fergitz - Uckermark
Country — Germany

fig. (1)

the ladder

fig. (2)

the ladder

fig. (3)

the ladder

fig. (4)


fig. (5)

the tunnel

fig. (6)

the tunnel

fig. (7)

the platform

fig. (8)

the platform

fig. (9)

the platform

fig. (10)


fig. (11)

the bar

fig. (12)

on the fields

fig. (13)


This L-shaped infrastructure is made of three parts, the tunnel, the platform, and the ladder. The horizontal passage can either be at the top or the bottom of the construction depending on the placement of the object. The vertical ladder is united with the horizontal passage. The viewer can engage with the object through an ascension of the round bars.

The tunnel, the platform, the ladder…functions as a standalone piece as exhibited in the water in a natural landscape, or as an attachment, complementary, to another building in an urban landscape. Unlike the tunnel, the ladder is open to whomever may be within reach, and invites an audience to transform into participants.

The stoutly, yet sleek construction heightens the experience of ascension, burrowing, and connecting with an unusual immediacy, and evokes possibilities unnaturally found in a singular place within cities or in nature. How often can one face a tree to climb it, rest on a limb, and travel beneath it? The duality to The tunnel, the platform, the ladder…rests in its interactivity, which, when pursued, results in the participant wrestling the ideas of constraints and confinement in order to find a way out.

[Rose Pacult]